The factory has already closed, the salvage operation is just starting up.
The tools are laid down, the forklifts, the huge cranes, the machines are all idle now. The roofs are leaking and the seeping water creates small ponds inside the buildings with beautiful reflections of the metal structures.The company has closed down and only people you see now are the salvage operators taking apart the machines, the buildings and everything else that is still worth a few bucks.
Yesterday we, that is my friend Ted Roth and myself, returned to the Waterbury branch to the now closed Ansonia Brass factory. The place is getting cleaned up, bit by bit, quite a few of the machinery is gone now, probably on trucks on their way to their new home in Mexico. There is still a lot more to photograph and we are planning to go back as long as it is possible.
Click on the pictures to see them in bigger size !
A few pictures from my last visit on may 12 2014, to the Ansonia Brass Factory in Waterbury , Connecticut.
These are mainly detail shots, concentrating on trying to capture the feel and textures of some of the tools and machinery in the shop.
Click on the thumbnails to see the pictures in bigger size