A cold October day, but every one was in a good spirit. The reenactors were terrific, they played their roles so well that you really felt like you were thrown back in time
3 thoughts on “John Brown reenactment in Torrington, CT, October 17 2015”
What a lovely set of images with choice of both! colour and mono. Some really suites well in mono then colour in my personal opinion and some in both, regardless, they are superb images…. I love them all.
Thank you for sharing them Lazlo 🙂
Thank to you both for taking the time and commenting on the images. I like this kind of happenings, such a great photo op, just like stepping into a time machine
What a lovely set of images with choice of both! colour and mono. Some really suites well in mono then colour in my personal opinion and some in both, regardless, they are superb images…. I love them all.
Thank you for sharing them Lazlo 🙂
Bravo ! A delightful, inspiring set of images. Each one is wonderful and nobody does mono like you ! Thank you for sharing !!
Thank to you both for taking the time and commenting on the images. I like this kind of happenings, such a great photo op, just like stepping into a time machine