Ones more again taking pictures at the old Farrell Co. building, that is slowly being taken over by nature as we speak. More and more of the roof is collapsing and the rest isn’t getting better either

Ones more again taking pictures at the old Farrell Co. building, that is slowly being taken over by nature as we speak. More and more of the roof is collapsing and the rest isn’t getting better either
Still finding some new buildings to photograph at Stanley Works. This complex is huge, several buildings of different sizes and ages and in different conditions. On of the buildings had a flood many years ago and you can still very much see the signs of it all over the first floor. Most of the floors are empty now but here and there you can still find a few machines and tools,just a stark reminder of better times.
With my friend Ted Roth I have gone back to the old Farrel Co. building to take a few more pictures, possibly the last time. The company, one of the lucky one that survived the onslaught of globalization, moved to a new beautiful compound in the same town, Ansonia. There are still a few items ( plus the old buildings) left to photograph and we made the best of it in the freezing weather.
We had the good fortune to get permission to photograph inside of the closed down section of Stanley Works Factory. Founded by Federick T. Stanley in 1843, originally a bolt and door hardware manufacturing company located in New Britain, Connecticut, was one of the biggest employer in the state . The complex is huge, we hope to get back many more times .